1.        People are wondering about this ___ behavior.
a.      Strange
b.      Strangely
c.       Stranger
d.      Strangeness
2.        I don’t know the ___ of his river.
a.      Deep
b.      Deepen
c.       Deeply
d.      Depth
3.        An doctor has to use his ___ to play his role well.
a.      Imagine
b.      Imaginary
c.       Imagination
d.      Imaginative
4.        I asked the man how I could get to the station. He gave me very clear ___
a.      Direction
b.      Directors
c.       Directly
d.      Directions
5.        Nafi reads many book of western ___
a.      Ideology
b.      Ideologist
c.       Ideological
d.      Ideologically
6.        Ryan is studying ___
a.      Geographic
b.      Geographical
c.       Geographically
d.      Geography
7.        The hall has been ___ decorated for the opening.
a.      Beautiful
b.      Beuty
c.       Beautifully
d.      Beautify
8.        My uncle ___ advised me to take English lsesspns
a.      Strength
b.      Strong
c.       Strengthening
d.      Strongly
9.        He is a stamp ___
a.      Collector
b.      Collect
c.       Collection
d.      Collective
10.    Arguing over the use of the copy machine is very ___
a.      Fool
b.      Foolish
c.       Fooled
d.      Foolishly
11.    We could print newspaper ads to ___ our new restaurant.
a.      Publicity
b.      Public
c.       Publicize
d.      Publication
12.    I have to ___ the curtains to fit this windows.
a.      Short
b.      Shorten
c.       Shortened
d.      Shorter
13.    Do you have a ___ for sweet or for spicy food.
a.      Preference
b.      Prefer
c.       Preferably
d.      Preferable
14.    My teacher ___ advised me to study hard
a.      Strength
b.      Strongly
c.       Strong
d.      Strengthen
15.    My father often talks about the ___ of studying and hard work.
a.      Importance
b.      Important
c.       Importantly
d.      Importer
16.    I like your new clothes, they’re so ___
a.      Fashioned
b.      Fashion
c.       Fashionable
d.      Fashionably
17.    Answering telephone is the ___ of an operator.
a.      Responsible
b.      Responsibly
c.       Responsibility
d.      Responsive
18.    Good ___ is needed between teachers and parents
a.      Communicate
b.      Communication
c.       Communicative
d.      Communicatively
19.    The ___ will be announced on Friday.
a.      Decisively
b.      Decisive
c.       Decide
d.      Decision
20.    Since the street too narrow, the workers are going to ___ it.
a.      Wide
b.      Widen
c.       Width
d.      widely

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